Irrigation System by:
Belleville: 613-967-1059
Kingston: 613-548-1789
Cobourg: 905-377-8880
Toll Free: 800-525-0802
Installing Residential and Commercial Irrigation Systems for over 35 years.
At Kerr Sprinkler Systems we stick to a strict code of ethics and design, install and maintain to the highest industry standards. After every installation we provide our client with an as built drawing. The drawing is a birds eye illustration of the property that shows how and where the system is underground. This document acts a a blue print and helps maximize technician effiency during future maintence calls. It also serves as a valuable document for the client to consult with when making changes to the landscape when installing trees, shrubs, pools, sheds, etc.
One phone call, we will handle your needs from design through construction, through long term maintenance.