Working to end violence against women, children, and youth since 1975

Kingston Interval House
P.O. Box 21042
Kingston, ON K7L 5P5

Crisis Line: (613) 546-1777 or 1 (800) 267-9445
Office: (613) 546-1833

Kingston Interval House (KIH) is a local agency in Kingston, Ontario that provides 24-hour safe emergency shelter, community-based counselling services and Second Stage Housing to women, youth and children who have experienced violence.

Since 1975, we have been responding to the needs of abused women and their children, and youth, in our community.

What we know is that violence against women is unrelenting, and with the demand for services growing, the increased complexity of need deepening and finite resources, traditional models of delivering services cannot meet the new reality of what is required.

Women, children, and youth who require our services need change. We are not going to wait for change to come, we will be that change.

For many years, KIH was funded by the City of Kingston, Kingston Township and Pittsburgh Township on a per diem basis for women and children using the House. Currently, KIH is funded by the provincial Ministry of Community and Social Services, the United Way of Kingston and through membership fees, private donations, and fundraising.

Since opening, KIH has changed locations four times as the need for increased space or various reasons of house unsuitability arose. In July of 2004, the shelter, in our current location, was completed and can accommodate 25 women and children/youth. KIH realized a dream of a facility that offers separate rooms for each family, a large living space, a basement set up for games, exercise and toys, full accessibility and an attached building housing our administration and Outreach offices.

In July 2010, KIH we opened our Second Stage Housing facility for women and children/youth involved with KIH. Robin’s Hope Second Stage Housing provides short-term, affordable and supportive housing to women, children and youth for up to a period of one year. This new service is an extension to the services provided by KIH that include emergency shelter, outreach counselling, 24 hour crisis line, public education and awareness.

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